Friday, July 18, 2014

MSNBC host Krystal Ball pranked live on TV

Krystal Ball, host of MSNBC's The Cycle took a live call from a man identifying himself as military personnel with an eyewitness view of the Malaysia Airlines flight that was shot down over Ukraine.

The prankster apparently identified himself as “Staff Sgt. Michael Boyd” from the “U.S. Embassy in Ukraine.”

When Ball asked him to describe what he saw, this is what transpired:

Caller: “Well, I was looking out the window, and I saw a projectile flying through the sky, and it would appear that the plane was shot down by a blast of wind from Howard Stern’s ass.

Ball: "So it would appear that the plane was shot down. Can you tell us anything more from your military training? What sort of missile system that may have been coming from?"

Caller: “Well, you’re a dumbass, aren’t you?”
Cut to a commercial break.

After the break, Ball told viewers, “We thought we had an eyewitness on the scene. That individual was not actually an eyewitness.”

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